Monday, May 31, 2010

Ensemble Caprice (2010-05 USA-DC Concert)

Ensemble Caprice perform Bach, Telemann, and the Bohemian Gypsies

Aesthetic: 4
Technical: 2
Structure: 2
Emotional: 4

Overall: 4

This was quite a unique performance and delightful surprise to the performances that typically grace the Library of Congress. Along with interesting anecdotes of how Bach was an asshole at times, calling someone a "Zippelfagottist", the music was refreshing and energetic. It perhaps can be described as Classical Baroque in Gypsy style. Gypsy music, like jazz, contains much improvisation and melodic twists, expanded through shorter melodies.

Ensemble Caprice's performance was just enthralling, it was a treat to watch the performers feast off of each others enthusiasm. Needless to say, it was entertaining just to watch them. And it was nice seeing some serious recorder sections.

At times they were perhaps a bit too into it and did not seem as in sync as they could be, and their solo's were not technically impressive, but their style and energy did induce rhythmic clapping in the audience, something I can't say I've seen before in a classical music environment. If it was a little warmer (we were informed the room was colder than normal for the instruments, and oh did they sound sweet), there totally would've been some shindigging!

All in all, it was a great performance, too bad their CD's sold out!

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